Ep.182 – The Tomb of Dracula No. 10 (1973)
His Name Is... Blade!
This time on the Couch: Mike, James, and Shée open up the Tomb of Dracula as they wrap up a month of Halloween comics! Issue 10 is the first appearance of vampire slayer Blade, except here he's just some dude with a green coat and no superpowers who happens to think vampires are dumb and has built his whole persona around that opinion. And to make his point, he'll hunt Dracula to whatever dark, foggy castle he's currently hiding out in! Unless, of course, he's hanging out on a cruise ship for some bizarre reason. Hey guess what, that's exactly what he's doing! It seems the count is peppering a bit of Jimmy Buffet into his usual Robert Smith aesthetic, but if Blade gets his way ol' Vlad's gonna arrive in Margaritaville with a teak stake in his heart!
Plus, time's running out for the Halloween Horror Box Kickstarter from Asylum Press! Take a look!
Halloween Horror Box-A Collection of All-New Horror Comics! by Asylum Press — Kickstarter