Darkseid's Couch
A Comic Book Podcast That's Sometimes About Comic Books

Ep.267 – Rip Hunter... Time Master No. 12 (1963)

The 2,200 Year-Old Doom

Aug 12, 2024

This time on the Couch: Mike, James, and Shée RIP off the Band-Aid and go HUNTING for something good to say about Rip Hunter... Time Master no. 12! Time-traveler/suburban loungewear model Rip Hunter has been called upon to get rid of a dangerous meteor that's been hanging out at Stonehenge for centuries, becoming an object of worship for the easily-impressed buffoons of the past! Rip will gather the most whitebread people you've ever seen in your life and start ping-ponging through the ages, disrespecting the ancient gods, the timestream, and history as a whole until a solution just kinda... makes itself known. Just goes to show you how far you can go with a clean shirt and a well-maintained coif of blonde hair.

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