Ep.203 – The Badger No. 13 (1985)
Musical Dimensions
This time on the Couch: Mike, James, and Shée barge in on the Badger! In issue 13, the lovably unwell superhero feeds a wizard to his pet rats, makes some soup, and does buddy curls with a space ape! Meanwhile, 5th century druid Ham got hisself lost in a bizarre dimension where walking around in public wearing a purple cloak isn't such a big deal! Maybe he'll just stick around here for a bit after all! Then, in a backup story, welcome to the world of Zoomtown, a futuristic dystopia that looks pretty much the same as the world we already live in, except with fewer reptile people.
Maximalism by Punch Deck | https://soundcloud.com/punch-deck Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US