Darkseid's Couch
A Comic Book Podcast That's Sometimes About Comic Books

Ep.53 – The Amazing Spider-Man No. 400 (1995)

A Death in the Family...

Jan 1, 2018

This time on the Couch: Mike, James, and Shée finish up their deep dive into the Spider-Clone saga with 1995's Amazing Spider-Man no. 400! Spider-Poseur Ben Reilly swings by the Parker household to remind Peter that he's only gonna visit him another three or four times and then he's totally leaving and never coming back, and everyone's gonna be super sad and miss him, for real this time. Then Aunt May dies, but not before using her last day as one big "Gotcha!" to let her nephew know that she knew he was Spider-Man all along. Between that and her death Peter's pretty shook up but still finds time to show off how much he's been beasting those pecs lately, so it's not all bad. Also, the Traveller shows up with a device he figures is what iPads will look like (he's wrong), and James finds pictures of spider vaginas. Put a gimmicky tombstone cover on 2017 and welcome the new year with a 22-year-old comic that's been retconned into irrelevance!

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