Ep.42 – Wonder Woman No. 189 (1970)
Red for Death
This time on the Couch: Mike and James (with special guest Shee) complete their Wonderful (?) exploration of Wonder Woman's controversial I-Ching era with 1970's issue no. 189! The dawn of the disco era meant the time for civil progress was over, so Diana and new sidekick Patrick waste no time celebrating the return to offensive stereotypes by literally painting their faces yellow and infiltrating a Chinese village. Then, in a twist that only seems to bother James, the princess of peace grabs a machine gun and mows down dozens of people without a second thought before the whole adventure concludes with... uh, non-consensual polyamory... for some reason. Plus, from an ethical standpoint, exactly how many assault rifles should a mother have on hand with which to defend her children? No, it's not an ancient Chinese mind-clearing proverb; it's just the topic of another shouting match on podcasting's most unsettling Couch!
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