Darkseid's Couch
A Comic Book Podcast That's Sometimes About Comic Books

Ep.178 – Cadillacs and Dinosaurs No. 8 (1994)

Collision Course

Sep 27, 2021

This time on the Couch: It's an extinction-level episode as Mike, James, and Shée wrap up Septembersaurus with Cadillacs and Dinosaurs no. 8! Hundreds of years in the future, humans emerge from a societal collapse to find that dinosaurs and all other manner of believed-dead varmint have reclaimed the earth! And they seem to be doing a pretty decent job with it! Of course, no human being is going to let some dumb animals bring unfettered nature back to the planet, so they immediately set about killing one another and finding innovative new ways to destroy the environment. The lesson here is that if you've been looking at the modern world and thinking that humanity may be winding down, don't worry: It's gonna take a heck of a lot more than global pandemics, unwinnable wars, and depleted resources to keep us from our meddling! As ever, (human) nature finds a way!

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