Darkseid's Couch
A Comic Book Podcast That's Sometimes About Comic Books

Ep.43 – Brother Power the Geek No. 1 (1968)

A Thing is Born!

Jul 3, 2017

This time on the Couch: Mike, James, and Shée reach into the deepest, most patchouli-scented recesses of hippiedom and fish out 1968's Brother Power the Geek no. 1. The incense and peppermint crowd briefly get their own superhero when lightning strikes a mannequin, but he quickly realizes that being an inanimate lump of fabric is only slightly worse than being a shiftless hippie. It's a concept so exciting it managed two whole issues before conservative rage demanded Brother Power be cancelled and buried in a landfill along with all of those goddamn Donovan records. But was Pow a forgotten counter-counterculture masterpiece, or just an awkward paycheck for a hungry Joe Simon? Hopefully the answer can be found by three people yelling at each other for 40 minutes, because that's pretty much all this is.

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